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- UrtiCura Spray- Treats Mild to Severe Urticaria (Hives) in Children (Birth-12 yrs) – 150ml
UrtiCura Spray- Treats Mild to Severe Urticaria (Hives) in Children (Birth-12 yrs) – 150ml
per item
- Urticura (Hives) Child Spray is a Unique, Patented Micro-fine Spray, Clinically Proven to treat Mild to Severe Urticaria (Hives) within few days and to stop its symptoms e.g. itching, stinging and rash within seconds.
- Innovative Drugs-free & Opioids-free, safe spray for children from birth-12 yrs.
- Classified as Medical Device and carries the ‘CE Safety Mark’ .
- Effectively treats red, inflamed, sore weals.
- Free from steroids and antihistamines.
- Safe to apply on the face and sensitive skin.
- Superior efficacy & faster results than that delivered by the collective use of steroids, antihistamines, emollients, gels, creams and cooling lotions.
- Easy Spray, no mess or fuss. No pills, no gels, no hazardous creams or foam, no skin touching or rubbing of sore skin and no lingering odour or residue.
- Can be applied anytime, anywhere with super-fast efficacy. The spray reaches everywhere on the body, as needed, rapidly and effortlessly.
- Made in UK.
Alfredo Griffin - 5 out of 5 stars Simply the Best Child Urticaria Treatment on the Market
Awesome product. Tried it on a 2 years old toddler who suffered badly from Acute Urticaria (Hives) and nothing the doctors and consultants prescribed seemed to work. Urticura Child Spray being drug free, can be used safely on children, so decided to try it. The result was instant and amazing. Itching stopped instantly and the Acute Hives disappeared within few days. Most importantly, Urticura took the toddler’s misery away and replaced it by smiles and laughter. Brilliant product.
Maria Thompson- 5 out of 5 stars Great Results Happy Child
I was introduced to Urticura (Hives) by my Health Visitor who highly recommended it saying it’s a wonder spray that clears the itch and discomfort due to Child Urticaria (Hives) within seconds and treats chronic or acute conditions within few days. I found this difficult to believe until I tried it myself on my toddler who suffered acute Urticaria and nothing the doctor prescribed seemed to help. I was pleasantly surprised and thanked my Health Visitor for her excellent recommendation. Fantastic product, highly recommended.
Joy Davies - 10 out of 10 Utterly Brilliant
Superb Product. Recommended by my doctor, as a new leading treatment for Child Urticaria (hives), after all other options failed. Excellent product, works exactly as described.
Superfast results. Stopped the itch and pain instantly and treated the Acute hives within days. A life savior for my child who was tormented by the hives, I can only say it’s a Godsend.
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